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New Extension: Interpretations - SHAP, LIME and Shapely

Scott Administrator Posts: 11 admin🌸
edited July 2021 in General

Dear Community,
I am happy to announce that @pschlunder and I published a new extension to the marketplace: Interpretations!

So far RapidMiner users had the option to use Explain Predictions as their method to understand WHY a model predicted the way it did. The Explain Predictions operator uses an algorithm by @IngoRM which is focused around best speed, understand-ability and application on a range of use cases as well as data types.

The new operator adds the known algorithms of LIME, Shapely and SHAP to the mix. The operator Generate Interpretations has a very similar interface to the familiar Explain Predictions. In fact it also embeds Explain Predictions so that you can switch between different algorithms and get different ‘opinions’ on your predictions.

Please be aware that this is a first alpha release of the extension. We are continuously working on improving it. We appreciate every feedback!

Philipp & Martin