Due to recent updates, all users are required to create an Altair One account to login to the RapidMiner community. Click the Register button to create your account using the same email that you have previously used to login to the RapidMiner community. This will ensure that any previously created content will be synced to your Altair One account. Once you login, you will be asked to provide a username that identifies you to other Community users. Email us at Community with questions.

About this Staging Site

ShaunaCSM Administrator Posts: 12 admin🌸

About this Staging Site

A Staging site is essentially a sandbox environment where you can begin testing things out before putting the final product on Production.

You will always have a staging site and remains after your Community has launched, admins and mods can learn, try out new features, and do testing on the staging site.

Important things to know:

  • Your production and staging sites are two separate instances of your community.
  • All changes made on staging will need to be manually copied to production: there is no way to automatically move settings from staging to production. Typically, staging is used for testing, learning & training, and most often for theme development (with the html and css customizations later being copied manually).