Due to recent updates, all users are required to create an Altair One account to login to the RapidMiner community. Click the Register button to create your account using the same email that you have previously used to login to the RapidMiner community. This will ensure that any previously created content will be synced to your Altair One account. Once you login, you will be asked to provide a username that identifies you to other Community users. Email us at Community with questions.


ShaunaCSM Administrator Posts: 12 admin🌸


Gamification is a great way to engage your community. You can accomplish this with Badges & Reactions as well as Ranks (as mentioned below).

You can use our default ranks and badges to start which would be an easy set up, you can also create your own custom ranks and badges.


Create ranks to further distinguish between your users. You can create ranks based on points, posts, age, role. As users move up in rank you can choose to give them certain privileges or restrict them from certain privileges. This is a good tool to use to mitigate spam, and/or to encourage users to participate in the forum, and play the “game.”

Ready to go? Edit your ranks here


Reactions allow your users to react to each other's post or comment. Allows Admins & Mods to promote/curate content for your “Best Of” page. Each reaction is worth a specific number of points.

Ready to go? Edit your reactions here


Reward users for positive engagement in the community. Users receive badges for making comments, uploading a profile picture, connecting with their social media accounts, answering questions. etc. They also receive points for earning badges, and can be displayed on a leaderboard in your Activity page.

Ready to go? Edit your badges here